Welcome to Relate - The Relationship Company
Hello, and thank you for dropping by! 👋
On this page you can read a bit about who we are, what we believe in and why we created Relate. Don't hesitate to drop us a note through hello@relate-matchmaking.com.
Lots of love!
To help people build meaningful relationships
At Relate we are shaping the future of dating and romantic relationship building. We are a relationship company with pioneering products and services to help ALL people build meaningful relationships.
We started our journey back in 2018 with the belief that our ability to understand others and to make ourselves understood is the key to successful and meaningful relationships. Our ambition is to make profound connection and communication fun and simple, to bring people closer in order to reduce loneliness, shallowness and polarization in society. Ultimately, we want to contribute to a more conscious, wise and authentic world with deeper human connection and understanding.
In our apps we combine relationship psychology with tools from personal development to help people get to know themselves better and to express themselves in an authentic and simple way.
Behind Relate is the values-based leadership and personal development company SelfLeaders and we collaborate with renowned relationship experts and psychologists in creating our products and services.
Today we have an appreciated app for singles to find a partner based on personal values (Relate Date), and an app for couples to grow closer together through daily challenges based on relationship psychology (Relate Boost). We also co-produce the popular relationship podcast Så Kan Det Gå (soon 500k listens) and the online event series The Love Lab with relationship experts and psychologists.
Life at Relate
At Relate we really are on a mission. We're born out of the purpose to help people connect more deeply and it's very central in everything that we do. We're a group of passionate entrepreneurs who all left well-paying jobs to work for something meaningful that we truly believe in. We're all in this for something bigger than ourselves.
We like to grow. Personally and as a team. For us growth means gaining new perspectives and ways of seeing and understanding. It also means increasing our capability to navigate in complexity and thrive in uncertainty. We have the luxury of having a true personal growth and organizational development professional as a co-founder, who used to coach teams at Spotify and Telia, now dedicated to make us thrive as an organization.
We are also a group of people who believe in kindness, openness, diversity, equality and authenticity. "Embrace your weirdness" is one of our internal principles, and we believe that the most important thing at a place of work (and in life in general) is to be able to feel safe to be yourself fully. We have a very warm and caring culture where it's important that everyone feels heard and seen and onboard. It's also a culture built on trust, self-organization and self-reliance. You will not be measured by the hours you put in, but by your effectiveness and the results you achieve. We expect you to have the self-awareness to know and respond to your own needs and desires. You own your own happiness and motivation at work (and again in life in general), and if something doesn't feel right or is missing, we expect you to speak up. We're in this together.

Our Internal Principles
Together we have set these as guidelines for what we think is important in terms of how we want to work.
We love radical transparency, we don’t fear judgement
- Trust and hug each other
- Be authentic and embrace your weirdness
- Listen to understand
We love to challenge, we don't fear the imperfect
- Aim too high
- Push too early (feel a bit ashamed) and learn
- Lazer focus: Intentions, MITs, and 80/20 rule
We love our fans, we don’t fear our critics
- Deliver WOW
- Actively seek and give feedback
- 100 raving fans are worth more than 10k who sort of like us
Backed by science, relationship experts, and Sweden's biggest angle investors
Through SelfLeaders as a co-founding entity we have science-based methodologies and knowledge around personal development and values in our backbone. Our values system has now helped close to 100,000 people map their values and find some clearer direction in life.
Our advisory board consists of carefully selected senior experts within dating and entrepreneurship. At our side we have Helena Ehnbom that introduced Match.com in Scandinavia and took it to 3M users. We also have the former PR manager for Badoo and Bumble, former CMO for Mötesplatsen, and one of the founders of the Swedish dating app Maybe onboard to support us on the journey.
In June 2018 we raised 5M SEK from four private business angels that are all very driven by values and purpose. They are Karl-Johan Persson (H&M) and Stefan Krook (GodEl and Kivra), Tomas Björkman (Ekskäret Foundation) and Daniel Pilotti (Ryska Posten). In 2020 we raised an additional 8M SEK from all previous investors, with also Jeremias Andersson (Academic Work) coming onboard as an investor.
Together we have a very strong team and the absolute best circumstances to create a lasting change in how we humans meet, interact and build romantic relationships. Not just in Sweden, but in the world.
Our Founders
Våra grundare Philip Jonzon Jarl (VD) och Tim Brandin (CTO) hoppade båda av framgångsrika och välbetalda karriärer för att tillsammans med Jan Artem Henriksson på SelfLeaders förverkliga drömmen om att påverka och förändra, och göra världen en bättre plats. De var övertygade om vikten av värderingar och att det fanns ett bättre sätt för människor att träffas, där teknologi används som ett verktyg för att förbättra det mänskliga mötet istället för att ersätta det.
Philip Jonzon Jarl (CEO)
Efter en business-bachelor och en marketing-master på Handels gjorde Philip en raketkarriär inom H&M internationellt. Som 27-åring var han finanschef för H&Ms produktion i Bangladesh med 500 kontorsanställda och en inköpsbudget på 3 miljarder USD. Efter att senare ha drivit H&M-gruppens butiksexpansion i en del av Spanien sade Philip upp sig i sökandet efter mer mening, passion och syfte i livet och flyttade till Brasilien. Efter en inre resa och navigerande kring sina egna värderingar landade han i övertygelsen att det som ger oss mest mening och lycka i livet är våra relationer, vilket blev grunden till Relate. Han brinner också för personlig och spirituell utveckling och att inspirera människor till att leva mer medvetna och avsiktliga liv.
Tim Brandin (CTO)

Efter en bachelor i datateknik och master i interaktionsdesign på Chalmers, har Tim under sex års tid byggt på och utvecklat sina kunskaper som fullstack-utvecklare inom webbutveckling och app-byggande. Han har dessutom varit med och grundat och byggt flera tech startups vid sidan av sin karriär. Tim har alltid varit nyfiken på nya språk och utvecklingsmöjligheter och var en early adopter på bl.a. React Native, Node.js, GraphQL, Meteor och Drupal. Idag bygger han spetskompetens framförallt när det kommer till React Native och Node.js, som är det vi använder mest i byggandet av Relate. Tim brinner för att bygga en skalbar och global lösning för att hjälpa människor skapa och förvalta meningsfulla relationer.
Jan Artem Henriksson (SelfLeaders)
SelfLeaders började med att Janne tyckte att vårt utbildningssystem saknade en dimension av personligt ledarskap. Janne hade själv en bachelor inom psykologi och startade en kurs i självledarskap på Handels samtidigt som han läste sin Master där. Tillsammans med en av Sveriges största profiler inom personliga värderingar tog han fram forskningsbaserade verktyg och workshop-moduler för att hjälpa människor bli mer medvetna och styra sig själva och sina liv genom sina värderingar. Idag har SelfLeaders hjälpt fler än 300 organisationer med sitt ledarskap och sin kultur, de har hjälpt tiotusentals personer utforska och kartlägga sina värderingar och till sina kunder kan de räkna institut som Harvard University och organisationer som Spotify och Telia. Janne brinner för vishet och medvetenhet, att skapa förändring i hur vi människor ser på oss själva och varandra, för att bidra till ökat välmående i vårt samhälle.
About Relate
Relate is a Norrsken House based relationship company building apps and services to help people both find and build more meaningful romantic relationships.
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